Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions of sale (hereinafter referred to as the "General Terms and Conditions of Sale") apply, without any restriction or reservation, to all sales of the Company LIGHTINUP SRL registered in the Register of Companies of PADUA under number 05419600282, having its registered office in PADOVA Via Palestro 1B (hereinafter "LIGHTINUP"), to purchasers, both end consumers and wholesale companies (hereinafter "Customer"), who wish to purchase the products (hereinafter referred to as "Products") marketed on the www.lightinup.it, website, in our retail stores, in our showrooms, or other distance selling methods

The Company's postal address is LIGHTINUP SRL, Via Palestro 1B - 35138 Padova.

1.      1. Subject matter of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale mainly concern the nature of the order, the payment of the sale price, the related warranties and the delivery of the Product(s), with the exception of the installation which is not part of the services provided by the Company. Before purchasing one or more Products on the Site, the Customer is required to read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

The Company reserves the right to amend the General Terms and Conditions of Sale on its own initiative or as a result of changes in the applicable legislation. In the event of a change, the version available on the Site at the time of the order placed by the Customer will apply to the sale of the Product(s). The amendment to the General Terms and Conditions of Sale will in no case have retroactive effect and will only be valid for orders of the Product(s) sent from the date of entry into force.

2.      Acceptance

The Client accepts these conditions electronically at the time of payment of the total amount or the first agreed deposit or formalized with the electronic payment or bank transfer of the amount due or part of it by means of advances.

The Client also expressly waives its own terms, and local jurisdiction, even if these were introduced or enforced after the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.

3.      Product Features

The technical description of the Products has contractual value. However, it should be noted here, with regard to the photographs of the Products, that these cannot fully and faithfully reflect all the characteristics of the Products and in particular the color and texture, to the extent that the color depends on the characteristics and adjustments of the Customer's computer equipment and the consistency cannot be perfectly perceptible on the screen.  

It is the customer's duty to make sure that the product has not undergone technical changes in order to improve its functionality and durability, any modification subsequent to the order, only in the electronic components (Light Sources, Drivers, Lamp Holders) that do not change in any way the final appearance of the product will not be considered imperfections but improvements of regulatory and functional adaptation.

 4.      Product Order

The Customer who wishes to purchase one or more Products must first of:

• become acquainted with the characteristics of the Product(s) and define their characteristics and dimensions tailored to you based on the indications on the taking of measurements;

• identify themselves on the Site or register by communicating their data and delivery address to the Company;

• validate your order and the delivery deadline defined by the Company by confirming its acceptance;

• familiarize yourself with and accept without reservation the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

5.      5. Payment & Ancillary Services

100% to order by bank transfer, PayPal and Stripe (Cards, Bank transfer, Installment payment systems)

6.      6. Right of Withdrawal, Delivery of Products and Liability

Products in stock ready in 72h for shipment

Tailor-made handcrafted products are ready within 45 days of the order.

Shipping by express courier 2/3 days for Italy/EU and 5/7 days for non-EU countries - The cost of shipping by courier will be processed at the time of placing the order in the cart.

For quantities or products that exceed the dimensions accepted by the couriers, therefore require shipments through a qualified shipper, the cost will be communicated to the customer at the time of readiness of the goods.

It is possible to withdraw from the order within a period of 14 (fourteen) days from the conclusion of the order or decide to replace the purchased product with others of equal value or modify the same product with different characteristics.

LIGHTINUP undertakes - to do its best to provide high-performance services in good time and in compliance with the agreed times - however, since this is a "made-to-order" product tailored to the customer, production delays and/or increased production costs are possible due to causes attributable to our will. If the Company is not able to carry out the manufacture within the previous terms or economic conditions, it will contact the Client who may, at its discretion, accept the modification of the delivery term and the new economic conditions or cancel the order.

If the new economic conditions provide for the payment of additional advances, the payment of the first deposit will be considered as explicit acceptance of the new conditions. The suspension of subsequent advances will be understood as default by the customer. 

In the event of the customer's cancellation, LIGHTINUP will provide E/C of official expenses regarding the costs incurred up to that moment in the areas of industrial design and production. The customer agrees that these amounts will be deducted from the amounts paid by the customer up to that point in order to identify the match balance. He will also be presented with the status of all the industrial components and semi-finished products ready, available for collection.

7.      Payment

Our invoices are payable within a maximum of 21 days, unless another payment term is indicated on the invoice or order. In case of non-payment by the due date, LIGHTINUP reserves the right to demand the payment of a fixed interest equal to 10% of the amount due. 

The order will be initiated when the payment is credited by the customer in our systems. LIGHTINUP shall be entitled to suspend any sale of goods and services without notice in the event of late payment; 

If a payment is still outstanding after more than sixty (60) days from the due date, LIGHTINUP reserves the right to use the services of a debt collection company. All legal fees will be borne by the client

8.      Warranty

LIGHTINUP offers the possibility of replacing or completely repairing products for damage attributable to the company - It also offers the possibility of guaranteeing the decorative elements and parts of the product with a coverage of 2 (two) years.

9.     Applicable Taxes

Alcuni Paesi applicano una ritenuta d'acconto sul numero di fatture in base alla loro legislazione nazionale. Qualsiasi ritenuta d'acconto sarà versata dal cliente all'Agenzia delle Entrate. In nessun caso LIGHTINUP può essere coinvolta in costi relativi alla legislazione di un paese. L'importo della fattura sarà pertanto dovuto a LIGHTINUP nella sua interezza e non include alcun costo relativo alla legislazione del paese in cui si trova il cliente;

10.     Rights of Third Parties

Under no circumstances may LIGHTINUP be obliged by the customer to appear as a third party in the context of any claim for compensation made against the customer by one of its end consumers, intermediaries or other parties related to the order.

11.     Complaints

For it to be admissible, LIGHTINUP must be informed of any complaint or dispute - by letter sent by registered letter or certified e-mail - within 8 days of delivery of the goods, provision of services, communication of modification of the contractual conditions

12.     12. Competent Jurisdiction

The client expressly agrees that all our contractual relationships shall be governed exclusively by Italian law. The competent court is the Court of Padua

13.     Personal Data

The Client has the right to access, modify and delete the data concerning him/her. This right can be exercised by simple written request by e-mail. Please refer to the privacy policy and third-party cookies published on this sito.

14.     14. Dispute resolution for end consumers (B2C)

The Client has the right to have recourse free of charge to a consumer mediator in order to resolve the dispute between him and the Company amicably

Please note that a dispute cannot be heard by the consumer mediator if:

• The Client does not prove that he or she has previously sought to settle the dispute directly with the Company by means of a written complaint in the manner provided, if any, in the contract;

• The request is manifestly unfounded or insulting;

• The dispute has been previously heard or is still being examined by another mediator or a court;

• The Client has submitted his/her request to the mediator within a period of more than one year from the written complaint to the Company.

The End Consumer Customer can contact a mediator free of charge through the European online dispute resolution platform at the following address:
